I’ve lost track of the number of times I have said blogging is great for business.
And yet…
I don’t lead by example.
You see I know blogging for business works, I’ve been there and seen the benefits. But, these days I leave my blog as the last thing to do. Then I procrastinate.
That’s not good for my business or me – writing my blog just gets put off.
It’s not as if I don’t have enough ideas or topics to blog about. Let’s be honest, it’s laziness and excuses. I get caught up with other things then don’t give updating my blog the priority it needs.
Today, over on Facebook, I saw that Jenny over at Eden Accountancy joined a blogging challenge. That’s great, I know she will feel the benefit from regularly updating her blog. It’s a brilliant example to other small businesses! It was also the kick I needed to get going again too. (Thanks, Jenny!)
So now, I am throwing down the gauntlet – join me in this blogging challenge!
Do You Accept My Blogging For Business Challenge?
Join me on the Ultimate Blogging Challenge. Yes, it will work wonderfully for local businesses too.
The ladies over at ultimateblogchallenge.com have a great system set up. You’ll get regular mails from them with inspiration and ideas. There’s the Facebook group and Twitter # tag so people taking part in the challenge can share your posts and comment. That’s part of the challenge – don’t forget to share and comment other peoples posts you find interesting.
Taking part will encourage you to blog daily. That means more visibility online, more traffic, more sharing, more links and ultimately more leads.
Well, “they” say Google loves blogs. That’s not strictly true. Google loves fresh, unique, relevant content and blogging is a great way to provide that. The more often you update your blog, the more you encourage those search spiders to visit and more likely you are to be found in search.
A Hubspot study last year found that businesses that blog increase website traffic by 55%. That’s a pretty amazing number.
It gets better.
B2C businesses that blog generated 88% more leads and B2B 67% more leads per month compared to those who did not blog. Surely that’s worth tapping at the keyboard and sharing your knowledge?
Blogging for business is a key ingredient when it comes to online visibility
If you haven’t started, today is the day!
Pop over right now to http://ultimateblogchallenge.com Sign up and start writing.
If you are stuck for ideas you can always drop me a message by mail, comment here or over on Facebook.
It’s all about routine and habits. Rewire your brain; give up Corry and East Enders for a month. Get yourself into the blogging habit for your business and start to reap the rewards.
Do YOU accept the blogging challenge?
I’ll be with you every step of the way cheering you on.
2nd Image Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
A Blogging for Business Challenge – Time to Practice What I Preach! by Jan Kearney
Janet Hipkiss says
I HAVE accepted the challenge! Pretty much for the same reasons as you! We’re only into day 2 but I’m enjoying it so far and making the time not only to post my own blog but also to read other peoples. Many thanks for this – really useful information. I’ll see you at the finish line!
Jan Kearney says
Thanks for popping in Janet. Good luck with the challenge! I’ll see you at the finish line too 🙂
Valerie Cuell says
Thanks for sharing this, Jan.
I am about to join the Challenge, so see you on the inside!
Jan Kearney says
Fab stuff Valerie! Good luck and happy blogging 🙂
Christine Brady says
Hi Jan,
Blogs are wonderful for so many reasons – you touched on the traffic aspect, which really does work.
Staying focused and creating quality content will have your blog hopping in no time.
NOW is the time to accept the Challenge!
Jan Kearney says
Hi Christine,
I agree with you! Focus can be difficult with so many other things going on. This challenge is providing the focus to get back into the blogging habit.
Thank for taking the time to pop in and comment 🙂