I loved this content marketing game infographic and thought I would share!
Having just been handed 17 leaflets to look at, it seemed very apt too.
What can the business owner do with the information on these leaflets to spread the word online about their business?
- after some minor editing there are at least 17 blog posts
- convert the leaflets to PDF and share on doc sites
- there are more than I can count tips and benefits, which are ideal as tweets, quick status updates, and even images as quotes
- the same info can go into slides for presentations and video to be shared on relevant sites
- repackage the info and use as downloads to encourage people to part with their email address
And yet, most small business owners stick with leaflets and ads in the paper…
Are you playing the Content Marketing Game? Without further ado, here’s the rules!
The Content Marketing Game
Infographic from HR Marketer
Over to you…
Are you playing the content marketing game? What do you do to promote your business online? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!
Content Marketing - How You Can Win The Game [Infographic] by Jan KearneyGrab your guide to local search and learn:
- What elements are important on your website
- How to set up your Google My Business Local Page
- How Google Plus can help you zoom past your competitors
- Two things you should not neglect if you want to rank in the local search pack
- How to power past your competitors and dominate your area
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Love your example of the leaflets – such a common issue. And the infographic is great, a real inspiration to get that content created and shared.
Hi Ginny – it’s a common problem I come across. Business owners “don’t have content”. They do, they just don’t recognise it! Thanks for popping in 🙂
‘Trying’ to play the game. Lots of work. That’s why we hire teams to professionally manage this!
Hi Corinna – oh the luxury of hiring whole teams! lol Thanks for popping in 🙂
Your graphics really rock this post!! And your advice is on point. Great post!!!
Hey Jo – I wish I could take credit for those graphics! Thanks for popping in 🙂
I love the graphics and I wish I didn’t have to manage mine personally because it is a lot of work. This post was quite informative and I appreciate it. Great post!
Hi Wyneatte, you know… I do think it’s harder doing your own than getting involved in someone else’s promotion. I struggle with “me” all the time. But, they key is a bit of planning and getting into a routine. It’s ok to start small. It’s ok to ask for help and to outsource too 🙂
Thanks for popping in and commenting!
Amazing tips! I love the whole repurposing for content marketing. Sometimes I can’t get my clients to visualize this, will have to share this post with them! Thank you Jan.