UPDATED March 2015
Why are my Facebook Page Likes Decreasing?
The sky is falling!!! Facebook are removing Page likes.
Panic not!
Facebook are once again purging their platform. In a recent change, Facebook are updating the way Likes are counted by removing deactivated and memorialised accounts.
Decreasing Likes Is A Good Thing
Removing inactive accounts from your Like count is better for you and your Page. Inactive accounts aren’t fans of your business, they’re just numbers. Numbers don’t “engage” and certainly don’t buy. Now you will see more accurate insights. If you created segmented ads they will be pointed at “real” people too.
Facebook also say…
Going forward, any accounts that are voluntarily deactivated or memorialized will be removed from a Page’s like count. If a deactivated account is reactivated, the account will be re-added to a Page’s like count.
In my opinion, this is an update that should have happened years ago. We all appreciate more accurate data.
In 2012 when this post was originally published, Facebook announced that an estimated 8.7% of its user base were duplicate or fake accounts. Of course, since they now are answerable to share holders, they need to clean up their act.
At the end of August, Facebook came at the problem from the other side stating:
When a Page and fan connect on Facebook, we want to ensure that connection involves a real person interested in hearing from a specific Page and engaging with that brand’s content. As such, we have recently increased our automated efforts to remove Likes on Pages that may have been gained by means that violate our Facebook Terms.
On average, less than 1% of Likes on any given Page will be removed, providing they and their affiliates have been abiding by our terms. These newly improved automated efforts will remove those Likes gained by malware, compromised accounts, deceived users, or purchased bulk Likes.
Facebook Page Likes Purge
And so, the great Facebook Page Likes purge began in earnest. The media concentrated on the top Facebook pages, some have seen massive losses. But, smaller Facebook pages are seeing a significant decrease in Likes too.
It is actually a good thing
Fake likes, whether intentional or not are just numbers. Numbers aren’t interested in your business, they don’t “engage” and certainly don’t buy. Numbers are not your potential customers.
So resist the urge to buy likes for your business page, ultimately it’s a waste of money you could be spending on something that works!
How to increase your Facebook page likes naturally
Ask people to like your business page and provide the address
- A “Like Us On Facebook” sticker in your window, on your paperwork or leaflets is pretty pointless unless you tell people where your page is. Have you ever tried searching on Facebook?
- Use a QR code for those people who have phones that never leave their hands!
- Provide a link on electronic documents – your email, online brochures and of course on your website or blog
- Consider adding a Like box to your website – but be warned those things do add to your load time
Give people a reason to Like your Facebook page
- Update your page regularly with a combination of useful, fun and sneak peek updates. Don’t just scream BUY ME at every opportunity
- Get involved and be human – find other related business pages and comment when logged in as your page
- Create Facebook only offers or offer an incentive to check in
- Use Facebook Ads – make sure they’re targeted to your area and relevant interests
Over to you…
Have you noticed your Facebook page likes decreasing recently? Let me know in the comments and don’t forget to pop over and Like My Local Business Online on Facebook!
Why Did My Facebook Page Likes Decrease? by Jan KearneyIt's infuriating isn't it? You put all that time and effort into growing your fan base on your Facebook Page and now your updates rarely reach anyone...
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Nanette Levin says
These are some great ideas for creating more visibility for Facebook Pages. As for your question, I haven’t seen Likes go down, but it’s not like my fans run into the millions.
Jan Kearney says
Hi Nanette, I don’t have millions of fans either! I have seen a significant drop though, about 30 over the last week. Goes to show, you don’t have to be buying fans to lose them! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Sue Worthington says
People just like to see those number of likes increasing and will try to achieve that by any means possible – this is a thought provoking article for those who have purchased likes, or who have participated in those ladders and silent tagging groups – not worth it in the end! Thanks Jan – you are a blog post machine recently- awesome!
Jan Kearney says
Hi Sue – you probably have the same battle as I do sometimes explaining why numbers aren’t important to clients. You’re right though, some people think only in numbers of followers and go to all sorts of lengths to get them – usually wasting money in the process. Thanks for popping in 🙂
Lizz Riley says
Very true. Numbers mean nothing if they’re not going to engage. I remember the first time someone disliked us. I took it really personal and wanted to find out who it was. Now, if people unsubscribe from my list or unlike us I’m just thankful that I’m not wasting my time.
Great article
Jan Kearney says
You’ve hit the nail on the head there, Lizz! If someone isn’t interested in your business, there’s really no point in them Liking (or subscribing). Thanks for popping in and taking the time to comment 🙂