Hello Google My Business
Google announced yesterday the global rollout of Google My Business. The official UK announcement came this morning over on the Google UK for Business Page.
Google My Business should be hitting the dashboard in 236 regions and 65 languages as we speak. If you don’t have it right now, it won’t be long arriving!
What is Google My Business?
Google has been making a pigs ear of local for the last 2 years. A nightmare for small businesses, Local has been assigned a special place in hell for many.
Google My Business FINALLY unifies Local under 1 dashboard making it easier for small businesses to take advantage of local search, Maps, reviews and Plus all in one place. Rolling out at the same time is the Android app (now available in the Android store). The iOS app will be available as soon as iTunes approves it.
My Business:
- fully integrates Google Plus Local and Google Places
- provides a single portal for accessing Google SMB tool
- provides a single way of editing Plus Pages of all types
What My Business Isn’t
Google My Business focuses on single location businesses. Multi-location businesses wanting bulk uploads are still in limbo for now. Brands wanting to manage several Plus Pages still have no way of doing so.
My Business is a huge change on the user back end but front facing data like Pages, Maps, Search remain the same.
I Love The Change!
You can probably tell I love this long awaited change!
I’ll be updating my Google Local downloads and setup videos to reflect the My Business changes over the next day or two. Pop your name and email in the boxes below to be notified when they’re ready.
Access Google My Business at
Google My Business - Goodbye Google Places by Jan Kearney
Grab your guide to local search and learn:
- What elements are important on your website
- How to set up your Google My Business Local Page
- How Google Plus can help you zoom past your competitors
- Two things you should not neglect if you want to rank in the local search pack
- How to power past your competitors and dominate your area
Simply add your name and best email address in the box below and I'll whizz your report and worksheet straight over to you.
Don't worry, I hate spam too (probably more than you!) I'll never trade, share, sell, exchange your email address or any other jiggery pokery.
Very cool and interesting. I need to go read up more on what exactly this could do for me. Thanks for sharing the announcement, I didn’t hear about this anywhere today.
You’re welcome Misty 🙂
This is something I should link up with. You can never have too many connections in social media land right?
Google My Business is available for all Pages – and thankfully tidies up local too. It’s the place to be Victoria 🙂