We all want to get noticed online and social media marketing is the current fashion. We’re promised masses of sales by simply setting up a few accounts on whatever social site is the latest craze…
The first hurdle is getting followers, likers and connections. You join the race to get a gazillion followers by Friday.
So, you buy fans and followers, set up the latest gizmo to auto follow people in the hope they follow you back, run around pages dropping messages left and right. “I liked your page, like me back!”
After all, that’s what Bob down the road does to promote his business online.
Then you realise that no amount blasting your messages en-mass to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and a couple of dozen social sites gets anywhere. Messages simply aren’t seen or are ignored when they are.
All that energy, time, money and effort with not a single sale to show for it.
Your conclusion?
Social media marketing doesn’t work!
The real problem is you are trying too hard and forgetting one important element. Social means people and people are human not numbers.
Caroline, over on her Facebook page Free Graphic Design Tutorials posted a link to an article about insincere behaviour on Facebook recently. It’s a pretty good article and applies to many social media sites, not just Facebook.
The article covers some basic netiquette. Many of the “please don’t s” are common mistakes because people don’t know any better. We’re bombarded by other people doing these mistakes everyday and think that’s how social media is done. Guilty as charged when I first got started too, particularly with Twitter.
The article also talks about sincerity online, but I don’t think it goes far enough. It doesn’t cover the why…
Social selfishness
Think about how you use social media – personally, not as your business. What do you do online and why?
Ultimately, whatever you’re doing is selfish – it’s in your own self-interest when you like a page, follow someone on Twitter or connect on any other social media site. You’re human (at least I hope you are!)
You get something that benefits you in return…
- Keep in touch with friends
- Learn new information
- Be entertained
- Make new contacts
And more…
Despite the Internet and technology, there’s a connection on a human level.
That connection is missing when you buy fans and followers or auto-follow and auto-follow back. The person (if it’s not a spam account) at the other side isn’t interested in you and what you do. They’re just a number and pointless.
Messages to these numbers even if they do see them, won’t be acted on because they aren’t interested in what you do. They’re not your target audience.
The marketing side!
Marketing isn’t just blasting your “BUY ME!” message to anyone who will listen (and the numbers that don’t).
We’re back to being human again.
![social-media-marketing-call social media marketing call](https://www.mylocalbusinessonline.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/social-media-marketing-call.jpg)
People need more info about you and your business before making a purchase
Think about your own online activities. If all you see from a person in your various newsfeeds and email is, “BUY ME NOW!” then you switch them off. You’ll unfollow them, unsubscribe or simply ignore them.
We’re all human, we don’t buy anything unless there’s reason – even if that reason is I want one!
Then we’ll shop around, look at what’s on the market, ask our friends etc. Often we’ll return to a business we’ve already made a purchase from – if they’ve lived up to our expectations and provided value.
Social media messages often don’t convert directly to a phone call, email enquiry or a person popping to your shop or office. People are not likely to read your status update and dash out with their credit or debit card without some background knowledge.
Quite simply it’s a great way to make connections and allow people to get to know your business better. It helps build the “know, like, trust” element of selling anything. It helps keep your business “top of mind” for when people are ready to make a purchase.
It’s all about communication, which is what marketing is after all.
Social media marketing is just one small part of your overall marketing mix. It’s not a selling machine and it certainly isn’t effortless and can’t be fully automated.
What do you think? Are you human online? Has social media marketing worked for you?
Are You Trying Too Hard With Your Social Media Marketing? by Jan KearneyIt's infuriating isn't it? You put all that time and effort into growing your fan base on your Facebook Page and now your updates rarely reach anyone...
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Hi Jan
I think most people use at least one or more social networks for both personal and business, I know I have 2 Facebook accounts one for my personal stuff and one for business and I’m in the process of making myself a page there too. If used correctly like you talk about it is a great way to connect and build relationships with both friends and other marketers.
There is also a lot of interest in Pinterest and Google + but have not gone there yet so must look into them!
Thanks for sharing, have a great day
Hi Pauline, thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment 🙂
Be careful with the 2 FB accounts – a business should have a page not a profile. Running 2 accounts is against FB terms and conditions and could get you banished.
Thanks Jan think when I have set up my new page I will delete the other account!
Hi Jan,
Yes, there is a lot to learn about social media but I do try to keep in mind the fact that everyone is human and therefore to treat them accordingly.
Every form of social media has its own particular quirks and I find Facebook a great study of human behaviour. Over time, people’s personalites become very apparent through their language, tone, content and even like. I find it very amusing.
We all need to be reminded from time to time that online we are dealing with real live humans. Thanks for this.
You’re a “watcher” too then Madonna? It’s fascinating watching how people interact – Facebook is a great study!
Thanks for popping over and taking the time to comment, I appreciate it 🙂
I liken FB to a coffee shop… great for people watching. Thing is 9 times to 10 you won’t get a coffee just by watching…. you have to interact with the people in the place to get the best from the experience. Great article.
Hi Ruth – what a good comparison! Yes, Facebook and social sites are just like that, can’t watch and expect magic to happen. Thanks for popping in and taking the time to comment 🙂
Hi Jan – interesting follow up to the post yesterday. For me, I really like the transparency of Social Media, and I like how people do convey their personalities in what they write and say. This is one of the best bits of it – both seeing it in other people and to be able to convey my own style.
As a Licensed Psychometric Tester (you know, those tests you have to do when going for a job?), the whole behaviour thing is so interesting and I’m working my way up to doing a post on how you can use this effectively in writing posts.
Hi Caroline, great to hear from you outside of Facebook!
I think the transparency comes back to being sincere online – if you’re not it soon shows. If that busy chasing numbers and not interacting, it doesn’t work.
Really looking forward to your post, get cracking!
Good questions you put out there. I could probably be better at this so thank you for the poke that some of us need. I’ll work on being more human, because I am. 🙂
Thanks for visiting and commenting Isi – good to know you’re human too! 🙂
Isn’t it funny, how we end up blaming others (in this case social media) for our own wrong doings?
Hi Eleni, it’s much easier to blame others than take responsibilty for our actions isn’t it? Thanks for popping in and commenting, much appreciated 🙂
I read this article too yesterday, Jan. (Thanks to Caroline J for bringing it to our attention), and I did agree with the points raised.
I think in many cases bad behaviour on social media is due to ignorance. It’s up to us all to educate the offenders!
Hi Valerie, I agree with you. Many of the issues are down to ignorance. I’ll join you on an education mission!