Social Media Image Sizes
I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve been searching for a Facebook image size to do a new quick tab image. I’ll admit my Twitter profile still needs doing too!
Lunametrics have come to the rescue with the ultimate social media image size cheat sheet. It may not be the prettiest infographic on earth, but there is every image size you could wish for from Google+ to Pinterest.
It’s one for your bookmarks – enjoy!
It's infuriating isn't it? You put all that time and effort into growing your fan base on your Facebook Page and now your updates rarely reach anyone...
You CAN Expand Your Reach
Using some simple techniques you can reach more of your fans without paying for ads.
In this report you will learn:
- What is Reach and is it worth worrying about
- 3 Key steps you need to take to increase your reach
- 10 Post ideas to help you reach more fans
Get your copy now – it’s free. Simply fill in your name and email in the box below and I’ll whizz the report over to you.