How excited am I? I’m speaking at the business networking and seminar morning in Runcorn orgainised by Bear Behind Events. It’s a fabulous opportunity to put some faces to names. Not to mention drink coffee and have a chat. Now we get to the nitty gritty – what’s in it for you? The seminar theme […]
Socially Build Your List – How To Add Social Share Buttons To PDF Reports
There’s no doubt that your email list is your most valuable asset online – yes, even more than your blog or website. Last week I unleashed (haha! A slight over exageration there!) my new free report, “5 Simple Steps to Local Business Facebook Success“. I thought I would try something that doesn’t seem to be […]
Defining Social Sharing Image Thumbnails: The Secret Is Open Graph Tags
Social Sharing and Open Graph Tags When you share your web pages or blog posts on social sites such as Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn, a thumbnail image is often generated and displayed next to the description. These thumbnail images can be auto-generated based on the first appropriately sized image on your page or post. […]
Social Sharing: What Works, Where and When [Infographic]
Unless you plan on using mainly paid for traffic, social sharing is fast becoming a must these days for success online. Not only does social media drive its own traffic, but search engines now factor in social signals into their rankings. This infographic from Compendium mainly examines data from Twitter and LinkedIn, but it shows […]
5 Irritating Social Media Practices – Don’t Be A Social Outcast!
Social media, it’s a minefield isn’t it. When you first start out using social media for business it can be a bit overwhelming, people give all sorts of conflicting advice too. Don’t worry about it! There are no rules… No rules, but there are some really irritating social media practices that people fall into without […]
What Is Social Media? Your Business Needs Interaction Online
What is Social Media? My sister asked me this question over the weekend. Well, her exact words were, “What is social media? Is it Facebook and stuff?” That question was quickly followed by something along the lines of, “In business, why would you want to be poked? I’ve been told I should be on LinkedIn, […]
No Social Media Please, We’re British
“Social Media for Small Businesses.” There, I said it out loud. Have you run screaming in terror or muttering to yourself that, “it’s all just a fad,” yet? If you are using social media to gain clients in your small business, believe it or not you are still in the minority. I’m currently working with […]