Using online marketing and promoting your local business online is part of your overall marketing strategy, not an isolated medium. It’s true, you can get great results. It does take work and knowledge, you can’t just throw up a website and hope for the best! I’ll be honest, I get over enthusiastic about how to […]
Want To Build A Website? 7 Questions To Ask Yourself First
This week I have spoken with several small businesses who already have a website. They’re now asking how to make it work… The problem is when you build a website without understanding how the web works, you can be left with something that looks amazing and doesn’t do its job. Unfortunately, web designers have a […]
5 Website Design Techniques To Avoid Like The Plague
I have a headache… I’ve spent a few hours perusing websites while I work on some ideas. I’m a bit stunned at some of the website design mistakes that my eyes and head have the misfortune of witnessing. I’ll be honest, I don’t have a creative bone in my body. I don’t do web “design” […]
Your Local Website – Is It Time To Sack Your Web Designer?
I was asked recently if I could “do anything” with a local website for a business that served multiple locations. Well I can do all sorts! Tying down what “anything” actually meant was the interesting part. This local website had several pages, each page dedicated to a specific town or city in the area. That […]
How to Simply Improve Your Local Business Website
Your Local Business Website Is Live! You have driven boldly onto the information super highway and your local business website is proudly proclaiming your presence to your city, county, country and the world at large. So, what is missing? Can your readers contact you? It seems a daft question, but oddly it is one that […]