I learnt (more accurately, re-learnt) a lot from day 1 of Bonnie Gean’s Video Challenge. The horrific quality video is something I *should* have known better.
After much thrashing, rummaging and downloading software I couldn’t find, I now have a Logitech C920 HD Webcam installed. So today’s video blogging challenge video is a better quality – although I do need to remember the light and the Muppet in the background next time!
Video Blogging… Feel The Fear!
I started to record the video almost 7 hours ago, and have dithered most of the day again. I found all sorts to do rather than hit the record button and then afterwards anything but upload it.
The Video Blogging Challenge is really pushing me outside my comfort zone. That can only be a good thing!
On a lighter note, uploading the video to Youtube had my daughter and I in stitches laughing.
The thumbnails Youtube chose are less than flattering. She says I look like I am going through a wind tunnel or on one of those simulator rides!
Thankfully there’s the custom video thumbnail option. Surely in this day and age, Youtube can detect that these images are not the best?
The video blog for day 2 is below with a transcript for those who prefer to read.
Tomorrow I am cheating a bit and using a screencast video tutorial. Since this is my business blog, I think it’s important I still have some useful stuff up here too! The video challenge is really useful for me to connect with my readers and help me overcome my fears, but I will not forget that this blog isn’t about me – but how I can help you.
Video Blogging Challenge Day 2
Video Transcript
Good morning! It’s Jan Kearney at My Local Business Online. We’re on day 2 of Bonnie Gean’s Video Blogging Challenge and after yesterday’s disaster of day 1 I am hoping today goes a little bit better!
I recorded yesterday’s video on my laptop webcam which was horrific. I knew it would be horrific. I’ve done it before and it is really low quality. I thought by recording it nice and small, and it looked fine on my hard drive that it would be OK. But no, it was fine on my hard drive and didn’t upload well at all what-so-ever. I thought we had a webcam. I distinctly remember we had a blue and cream round thing that swivelled and did all sorts of wonderful things. And this isn’t the one. This is a Logitech video camera that shoots in high definition, which means you get to see every hair out of place and every bag under my eyes too – aren’t you lucky!
So day 2. Bonnie suggested that we introduce ourselves and say what we do for day 1. I jumped the gun, recorded my video to get it out of the way and didn’t do any of that at all. So I am going to introduce myself now.
Hi my name is Jan Kearney. My business is My Local Business Online and I am on a mission. A mission no less! To help small business owners get to grips with the web and start using it to their advantage. I specialise in Local – Google Places, Google +Local and also local business blogging. I offer done for you services and also coaching, training and mentoring for anything social and local online.
I’ve been doing this now for 2 and a half years, it will be 3 years in June when I went self employed. Sometimes I am quite surprised that I am still here! It’s always interesting being self-employed isn’t it? But yes, I’m still here.
Video is something I mainly use within my business for tutorials and screen-cast videos. I don’t tend to get in front of the screen. You’re lucky! I’m now sitting in front of the screen, putting my face out there a little bit more. Which has gone down surprisingly well. People do want to see who is behind the screen. It’s something I preach a lot and tend not to do.
So get out there, show your face a little more. Let people know who you are behind your business. Because at the end of the day this is the social web. People do business with people. They want to know who you are, what you look like, whether they are like you or whether they like you at all and share any interests and experiences with you. People do business with other people that they know, like, trust and are like them as well.
That’s me done for this morning! Day 2 complete! I can tell you it is the most frightening thing I have ever done, very, very nervous. But I am sure with practice things will get better. I’m off now to edit this video a little bit, put my little beginning intro on and I will speak to you soon.
Find out more about Bonnie Gean’s Video Blogging Challenge
Pop over to Bonnie’s blog post explaining the Video Blogging Challenge and join the Google Plus Video Blogging Challenge Community.
Over to you…
When was the last time you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone?
Video Blogging Challenge Day 2 by Jan KearneyGrab your guide to local search and learn:
- What elements are important on your website
- How to set up your Google My Business Local Page
- How Google Plus can help you zoom past your competitors
- Two things you should not neglect if you want to rank in the local search pack
- How to power past your competitors and dominate your area
Simply add your name and best email address in the box below and I'll whizz your report and worksheet straight over to you.
Don't worry, I hate spam too (probably more than you!) I'll never trade, share, sell, exchange your email address or any other jiggery pokery.
Sky Nealon says
Hi Jan again,
You are absolutely flying with this video challenge, how do you do it? I haven’t even got round to making my first video yet, and btw I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this, but you seem to have gain even more confidence, especially with the snippets of humour here and there now.
Keep them great videos coming
Jan Kearney says
Hi Sky – I have a tendency to laugh at myself 🙂 Not at all confident (yet!) Hopefully will gain it with practice. Why not join us in Bonnie Gean’s challenge and get your vids out there?
Bonnie Gean says
I love this video – including Muppet in the background! ROFL
Dogs love hamming it up on video too! hehe
I think you’ve got a hit with the webcam! You should be proud; you’re a natural on camera Jan!
Jan Kearney says
Hi Bonnie, I was that busy telling myself “get it done” I didn’t even realise she was still in the room! Thought I’d put her out the back lol
I think it shows I’m human anyway – and that’s the aim at the end of the day for this challenge (for me at least!)
Thanks for popping in and cheering me on – I appreciate it 🙂
Tamsin says
Love it, Jan. Don’t know why you don’t do more video! Love the accent too 🙂 It reminds me a bit of Sue Worthington – don’t know if you’re from the same area or not ……….
Jan Kearney says
Hi Tamsin, Sue lives not a million miles from me ( a couple of towns away).
I met her at my first ever networking meeting. She was a guest speaker talking about local business marketing, Google Places, QR codes etc and was so encouraging to this shy woman who doesn’t do networking and wanted to start a business very similar to what she was doing at the time.
I honestly think I would have given up before I started if I hadn’t seen what she was doing and her encouragement to just go for it. 🙂