I’m really pleased to have Evelyn Cucchiara as a guest blogger today. I met Evelyn through the Biztopia challenge. She creates wonderful personalised QR code jewellery, which is really useful if you go networking for your business.
People who know me will be looking at me sideways now saying, “But Jan, you don’t go networking unless we drag you out kicking and screaming!” This is true! I still think Evelyn has come up with a brilliant time saving idea, and she assures me that she ships her QR stones to the UK too.
What the Heck is a QR Code and Why Would I Want One?
A shout out to all of you technology phobes out there. I’m right there with you. In fact, when Jan asked me to write an article about QR codes for her readers, I immediately panicked because I don’t speak “techy”. She assured me that a non techy article would be a good fit. So here it is – why you need a QR code, direct from a non techy.
Know what a QR code is? I’m sure you’ve seen one, it’s that funky little black square with lots of dots inside. Looks like this:
You scan it with a free app on your smart phone, and it brings you to a website where you can get a coupon, more info about a product, whatever. It basically makes it easy for a buyer to get info from a seller.
In the past, QR codes (quick response codes)were used mostly by big businesses, but that’s changing. QR codes were scanned by over 1 billion people last year, and 75% of those users are over age 25. Face it, QR codes are the future.
So what does this mean to you and your business?
It means you now have a way to:
- reduce the amount of key board entry you have to do
- make it easy to grow your list
- give you your life back.
All you do is create a QR code for your sign up list for your business – then put it anywhere your customers hang out. It’s easy to create one – you just need the URL address of your mailing list sign up page. (If you don’t have a mailing list manager yet, you should. Check out Constant Contact or Mail Chimp. I personally like Mail Chimp because it’s very easy to use for non techys like me.) Enter that URL into any QR code generator you find online, and then print your QR code out on your signs, your business card, wherever.
Then, when someone wants to join your list, get your ezine, your newsletter, or become a part of your tribe, all they need to do is scan your QR code! After entering their info, they automatically get put on your list.
What a QR code means for you?
- you don’t have to enter info manually from business cards you collect.
- you now have a list of people who actually WANT more info from you.
- the time you would have spent entering in data is now yours free and clear.
So why am I, the non tech person writing this article? Well, I’m Evelyn Cucchiara of The Hopeful Life, and I invent products and ideas to make life happy, organized, peaceful, efficient and full of fun. HOPEFUL!
I recently invented a product that uses a QR code and Jan thought my experience would be helpful to other entrepreneurs.
Here’s my story:
I was at a Chamber of Commerce event and came home with a whole bunch of cards stuffed into my bag. I was excited to have connected with so many people. Once I was home, I tossed the cards into a bowl with all the other cards I’ve recently collected. I made a mental note to add the contacts to my email list soon, real soon. But life got in the way.
Specifically, I think it was dinner time. I had to put my mom hat back on.
Needless to say, those cards never got entered onto my list. Not that day or any other day.
Later that night while lying in bed, I realized that there had to be a better way. After all, that’s what I do! So, as I was lying there in bed, I was thinking “How can this be simplified?” It suddenly came to me. I would put a QR code for my mailing list on something I could wear, something that would fit in with my life and my wardrobe!
Hence The QR Stone was born. Want to see it?

One of Evelyn’s QR Stones
That’s why Jan asked me to write this article. QR code info from a non techy person.
Stop a minute and think about how directing a potential customer to a specific URL could help your business. You would be in the drivers seat. You wouldn’t have to wait to hear from them, you’d be able to connect with them whenever you want. As an entrepreneur, you know your money is in your list. Why not make it easy for you and your potential customer to join?
That simply put, that’s why you need a QR code. And trust me, it’s easy. After you start using one, you’ll wonder why you’ve wasted so much time before by not using it.
Welcome to the 21st century!
With over 15 years experience in designing short cuts for busy professional women, Evelyn Cucchiara has launched The Hopeful Life, http://www.TheHopefulLife.com, where she shares all of her innovative short cuts on how to live a life that is Happy, Organized, Peaceful, Efficient & Full of fun. In short, HOPEFUL! Currently an entrepreneur, Evelyn focuses on teaching busy professional women how to streamline their lives so that they can find that sense of balance and time for what matters most to them. She’s the mom of 3 boys, has been married almost forever to the same man, and finds time to run an internet business as well as a brick and mortar business. And live The Hopeful Life. She owes it all to her shortcuts. (Oh, and by the way, she’s also the author of the Amazon best seller “30 Days to an Organized Home.” http://amzn.to/NNHxmd)
The QR Stone in action
Over to you…
Do you make use of QR Codes when you’re out networking? Do you go out networking or are you like me, only if you’re dragged kicking and screaming? 🙂
What the Heck is a QR Code and Why Would I Want One? by Jan KearneyGrab your guide to local search and learn:
- What elements are important on your website
- How to set up your Google My Business Local Page
- How Google Plus can help you zoom past your competitors
- Two things you should not neglect if you want to rank in the local search pack
- How to power past your competitors and dominate your area
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What a cool idea! Certainly a conversation starter at networking events and will make the wearer memorable – which is half the battle.
I thought it is a pretty cool idea too, Ginny – even though I don’t network often!
Glad you like the idea Ginny – that’s exactly why I created it – I wanted to stand out from the crowd. Since it comes in different colors, you can personalize it to match your brand also. 🙂
I have had a QR code at the ready for a while. But, to be honest, I’ve never seen ONE person scan it in (where it is posted)- but I have seen them take the card next to the post.
I’ll try it again now- right next to a timely post.
Thanks for giving me impetus.
Hi Roy, I don’t actually have any business cards at the mo, but I do whip out a QR code to scan occassionally. I think it’s more likely to be scanned when you’re face to face in conversation. Here in the UK, people don’t tend to know what one is or what it’s for unless you are chatting – and it is a good conversation starter.
Love to know how you get on with your QR code!
Roy – You’re right that people will take a card if the choice is offered. It’s the way of no commitment. But what do they do with the card? Do they ever contact you? I’ve found that getting their info from them via The QR Stone not only makes it easier to connect with them, but it also weeds out the people that were just taking a card to be nice and have no interest in your product or services. You end up getting rid of lots of cards – but how much business does it really bring you?
Just another one of the reasons I invented it.
This is so refreshing to read something so different! What an amazing idea! I shall definitely be sharing it on my Facebook page! Thanks for this 🙂
Thanks Bev, I’m glad you found the article different – do you use QR codes?
I keep meaning to! 🙂
Thanks Bev for posting it on your FB page. Half the battle is getting the word out about it!
Jan – Thanks for running my article! If anyone wants more info about how to get their own QR Stone – here’s the direct link: http://thehopefullife.com/The_Hopeful_Life/The_QR_Stone%21.html
You’re welcome, Evelyn 🙂
I use my phone to scan items all the time. I could see where this could work.
Toni – Yep, The QR Stone was designed to make life easier and more productive at the same time!
That’s a great idea. So, am I right in thinking I could change what my QR code points to?
i.e. one week/month it could point to my mailing list sign up page, another time to my Facebook page, another time to my sales site?
Thinking aloud – I suppose it should point to a page that offers people the choice of ALL of these??
I’ve currently almost run out of business cards and I’ve got so many different profiles/pages I’m paralysed into inaction!
I haven’t done much networking in the past because I’ve not really had any focus. My new goal is focus!!
Joy – You’re exactly right, you can change what your QR code points to. You can switch out the stone to lead people to whatever site you want. Change it as often as you change your offer or change it depending on what business you’re representing at that event. You probably DON’T want to point them to all the options at once. Choice usually results in confusion for the customer and as a result they make no choice. One clear response is better. You’re making the right to focus!
Thanks for the great comment.
Thanks Evelyn and Jan, What I have in mind is pointing it at one page when I speak to other complementary therapists and a different one for the public. So I’m pleased to hear I can do that.
Just need my QR code now!! Joy
Joy – all you need to know before you order The QR Stone is your URL and what color you want. Just leave the rest up to me….including creating your QR code!
Evelyn hit the nail on the head, Joy – give people one choice or they tend to choose nothing at all 🙂
Jan and Evelyn,
I’ve seen QR codes and have always wondered why and how one could use them. Now I know.
Learned something new, and that makes my day. Thanks!
Warm fuzzies for making your day, Jude 🙂 The hardest thing about QR codes is getting others to use them!
Glad I could help Jude! What is your business?
Fabulous idea! Love the QR stone Evelyn (I have a thing for bracelets):) Very much enjoyed your article. I never even heard of QR code before. Does this work with Aweber?
You can point a QR code almost anywhere online – so to an Aweber sign up form will work too, Debra 🙂
Debra – It absolutely works with Aweber! In fact, I just made one for someone who made their sign up form and keeps their list with Awber.
How easy! I didn’t know what those things are for. I don’t have a smart phone…I have a dumb one. LOL! This is too cool! Great post!
I have a dumb phone too, Michelle 🙂 I use it for calls only – I’m still quite old school despite my love for the interwebs! You can still have a QR code (or several!) for those people who have smartphones – they’re taking over the world…
Michelle, Glad you liked the post! If you want to see a video explaining more about The QR Stone – just click here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRSq4q8KJZ0
Wow, I’m jealous I didn’t think of this idea! ROFL
Way to go. Innovative and HANDY. I like that combination! Do you make these in bracelet form? I’m not much of a necklace wearer.
The QR Stone can be clipped to anything – including your favorite bracelet! In the video, you can she she has it on a bracelet. Hope that helps.
I haven’t use a QR code in a year or longer. I need to revisit it. Nice post!
Yes, time for another go and with style too, Sabrina 🙂 Thanks for popping in!
Hi Jan
Totally love this idea – but hate the networking!
Sue – Networking’s a necessary evil – but The QR Stone makes it more fun!
I can count on 1 hand the number of network meetings I’ve been to over the last 2 years. Oddly, the first one I was dragged kicking and screaming to, Sue was the speaker 🙂
Lies, Sue lies! lol