I’m a bit behind on Bonnie Gean’s Video Blogging Challenge – this is my day 10. I did actually record this video on Wednesday, transcribed and uploaded to YouTube on Wednesday evening. Added it to a new blog post Wednesday before bed…
And forgot to hit publish…
Thursday, I was training again, didn’t pop onto the blog and didn’t notice. Yes, call me a plank!
I knew I would be struggling to do 5 videos per week, so I’m not beating myself up about it. My sinuses caught up with me last week and put me further behind than expected too.
Today’s video has a text transcript below for those who prefer to read. I can’t believe I sniffed a book on video! Well I have never claimed to be sane, you are certainly getting a the real me in this video challenge!
It’s not too late for you to join in (and show the real you on video!)
Find out more about the challenge on Bonnie’s blog. Join the G+ Community or follow along on the Video Blogging Pinterest Board.
Video Blogging Challenge Day 10
Sinuses, training and a new book
Video Transcript
Hi, it’s Jan Kearney at My Local Business Online and we’re back doing Bonnie Gean’s Video Blogging Challenge. I’ll be totally honest with you, I haven’t got a clue what day I am up to. Last week, I knew I would be missing at least a day because on Thursday I was over at the International Coaching Academy in Liverpool doing my Executive Business Coaching Course. As you could probably tell by the videos I did last week, my sinuses were starting to kick off and go rapidly downhill. Needless to say by the end of training on Thursday, my head was thumping, I was totally nasal, it had even got to my throat. I was croaking and I didn’t do any videos Friday or over the weekend.
So I am trying to catch up. This is a quick video just to say I’m still here, I’m still going and I am determined to get over my total fear of speaking to camera and try to get a little bit more comfortable with it. I hope that you take some inspiration from that and start producing your own videos, or at least give it a go!
In the meantime, this morning, I got a present — my book came. Now last week I mentioned I had won a book in a giveaway on Denise Wakeman’s blog. It’s here, it came! A real book! It’s got pages, it smells like paper! I’ll be honest with you, as digital as I am, as long as I have been online and as many ebooks as I have on this hard-drive and the Kindle reader with loads of Kindle downloads, I do actually prefer a real book. With pages. And paper. Something I can sit in the bath and read.
This is Does My Blogsite Make My Wallet Look Fat? I’m really looking forward to tucking into this one and getting some ideas and inspiration from it. My Local Business Online, my blog — I stripped it down between Christmas and New Year because I had a bit of a battle moving it. Yes, it’s my blog, but on the back end of that there was so many test sites and everything else — it was a nightmare to move.
In the end, I stripped everything off and I haven’t got around (we’re in March!) to actually fixing it back up again. Part of that is because, first of all I don’t know what I want it to look like. Secondly, I don’t how it fits in with which direction I am going with my business. It is changing over time. That’s only to be expected as I change and I grow and my focus changes slightly with what I am doing. I’ll always love local and that will always be a big part of what I do. I’m not too sure where I am going with My Local Business Online at the moment.
At the International Coaching Academy we did some visualisations and I was completely shocked that I didn’t see my blog in the 5 year visualisation forward. I saw something totally different, which is really exciting and ties into to where I was wanting to go anyway. I’ll tell you more about that later.
In the meantime, thank you to Sandra for sending me the book, I will give you a total run down when I’ve read it. It looks great actually. Really easy to read. I’ve had a flick through. She really resonates with me and the way I do business as well. Looking forward to it! I’ll speak to you soon.
Mentioned in this post…
International Coaching Academy – Accelerated learning coaching training based in Liverpool
Denise Wakeman – “Adventures in Visibility”, HOA with Sandra De Freitas
Sandra De Freitas – CEO of WP Blogsites, author of “Does My Blogsite Make My Wallet Look Fat?”
I love the smell of freshly printed books. 🙂 Then again, I was in the printing industry for 13+ years and loved the smell of freshly inked paper. That’s probably why I still enjoy SNIFFING a good page.
You did wonderful in this video. I grabbed coffee and had a little chat with my friend. Was wonderful, Jan! Keep it up!
Thanks Bonnie 🙂 Good to know I’m not alone in my page sniffing!
Love your videos Jan! Okay, so I just love seeing your smiling face. You’re very inviting to watch!
I’m with you, I love a “real” book over a digital one. There is just something about holding a real book. My husband and I make a trip to B&N almost every week just to grab a new one…and yes I have a stack of books I haven’t read yet…just like I do with my Kindle books.
Let us know how you like your new book!
Thanks Misty 🙂 I love reading a real book, it’s not a feeling I’ve managed to get with Kindle.