Unless you plan on using mainly paid for traffic, social sharing is fast becoming a must these days for success online. Not only does social media drive its own traffic, but search engines now factor in social signals into their rankings.
This infographic from Compendium mainly examines data from Twitter and LinkedIn, but it shows how small changes can cause a big difference in response.
Social Sharing: What Works, Where and When
Compendium – The Content Marketing Platform
Your experience may not mirror what the social sharing statistics reveal. They’re great for a baseline to start your own tests looking at what works for you.
The main takeaway for me with this infographic is the importance of tailoring your message to the social platforms you are using. Each social site has its own quirks and personality. While connecting them all together and running one status update through multiple channels is easy and time saving, it doesn’t yield the best results in click throughs.
Over to you…
What’s your thoughts on social sharing? Have these stats surprised you?
Social Sharing: What Works, Where and When [Infographic] by Jan KearneyIt's infuriating isn't it? You put all that time and effort into growing your fan base on your Facebook Page and now your updates rarely reach anyone...
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Hi Jan,
Wow, what a real eye opener. Wish I had seen this infographic before I sent out my latest Twitter message. I would of left off the question mark. 🙂
Pinned this to my Pinterest account. Thanks for the info!
– Bonnie
Hi Bonnie, the stats certainly make you think don’t they? We’ll all be tweeting exclaimation marks 🙂
Thanks for popping in and comment again, I appreciate it.
Wow very interesting info graphic. I am going to have read all of it more in detail a little later. I really like the breakdown of information regarding B2B and B2C. Thank you for the info.
You’re welcome, Beth. The infographic certainly is food for thought! Thanks for popping in and taking the time to comment 🙂
Question marks vs. exclamation points?! Some very interesting stats here. Thanks (tried to “pin” it, but kept getting an error message).
Hi Debra, those stats were quite surprising. They make sense if you think about it. Ask a question and you’re encouraging a reply there and then rather than a click through back to the website or blog.
As for the pin, thanks for letting me know. It would appear my pin it button doesn’t like infographics, it pins standard size images no problem. Time to test out another set of share buttons!
Hi Jan – great post and great website – loads of interesting info – will follow you on my blogger reading list xxx
Hi Sara, I’m pleased you like it – thank you for adding me to your reader too 🙂
Great post! I too would have left off the question mark. I’ve subscribed to your blog as well.
Thanks Liz, I appreciate it! 🙂
Hi Jan,
Interesting statistics, and I will definitely experiment with my shares to see if I get better results depending on the factors you have mentioned in your post. It is good to have this kind of information. I don’t do as much sharing as I should, so knowing the best time of the day and day of the week to do it is even more important to me, to get at least some results out of it. 🙂
Best wishes,