Variety Article Writing Challenge Bonnie Gean is running her Article Writing Challenge again this month. It’s just the kick I need to get started blogging again. You know how it is… Stop doing something for a little while and fall out of the habit. Then it gets harder, and harder to start again the longer […]
30 Facts About Me You Probably Don’t Want To Know (But I’m Telling You Anyway!)
I’m taking part in Bonnie Gean’s Article Writing Challenge this month. The challenge is to write an article a day through October. You are more than welcome to join in, simply pop over to the Facebook group and request to join. Since the term “article” can be used to mean many things, I’m taking the […]
A Challenge Too Far?
It’s a bit of a personal blog today, to let you know what I am up to (or not!) and to ask you (yes, you!) a question or two. A few weeks ago, I mentioned seeing my new business coach, Sharon and how productive and inspiring I found the session. In the next session we […]
It’s that time again – The Ultimate Blog Challenge
With a few days to go till the end of 2012, an email about the first blog challenge of the year dropped into my mail box. Blink and all of a sudden, it’s 1st January 2013 already. How did it get here so fast? I dutifully signed up… Now I’m sat here thinking once again […]
Ultimate Blog Challenge, Give Your Blog A Boost!
It’s that time again! I was in two minds about joining in on the October Ultimate Blog Challenge. It’s been a difficult few weeks and I know that once again I will struggle to get a post a day out. Between giving up smoking (the computer is a trigger, so I’ve been avoiding the keyboard!), […]
Blogging For Business: Lessons from the Ultimate Blog Challenge
One of the great things about blogging for business is you can chat away sharing your knowledge and it brings people to your website, mainly through long tail searches. What do I mean by long tail? People often type in longer phrases into the search box, sometimes even whole questions. Many people dismiss this “accidental” […]
To Comment or Not To Comment… Thoughts on Blog Commenting Systems
Taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge has forced me to think about blog commenting systems again. As part of the Challenge you are encouraged to visit and comment on other peoples blogs. Blog Commenting and Online Visibility The Challenge a great system. You support other bloggers out there by reading, commenting and sharing. In […]