Using Facebook for Business Training Workshop Join me on Saturday 18th October for a half day practical Facebook for Local Business workshop at the CMRZ (Central Rooms) in Widnes, Cheshire. One in three Brits access Facebook every day and small businesses acknowledge the importance of this behemoth social media platform in their online marketing. As […]
How Not To Run A Facebook Ad Campaign – A Lesson From The BBC
I’ve been watching with interest the Facebook Ad fake likes story reported over on the BBC online technology channel. I’d love to know how anyone with obviously no clue how things work can run not one but three stories (so far) on reported fake likes from Facebook ads. I’m not going to jump in and […]
Facebook Ads – Avoiding the Telemarketer Lies and How To Start Your Own Campaign
Yesterdays blog, How Not To Promote Your Business On Facebook took the conversation in a bit of an unexpected direction over on MLBO Facebook Page. The spotlight turned to Facebook Ads and the spate of random telemarketing calls claiming to be calling on behalf of Facebook. I am sick of getting calls from people claiming […]