I’m often asked why I don’t recommend any free blog platforms for business blogging. Free blog platforms such as WordPress.com, Blogger.com (Google) and Tumblr.com to name just 3 are a great way to get a blog up and running in minutes. So why don’t I recommend free blogging sites? The Problem With Free Blog Platforms […]
Why Blog? 7 Reasons Why I Think Business Blogging Is the Bee’s Knees
Why blog? What’s the point? For a small business owner, blogging can be time consuming and often overwhelming. Let me ask you a question… How do your potential customers find you online when they don’t know it’s your business they’re looking for? While your website is just the start of getting found online, blogging is […]
5 Essential Blogging Tips for Small Business Owners Learnt From a Market Stall
Some years ago now, we used to regularly go to horse auctions. There was always a bustling market on the grounds. We’d walk around, often buying items we never originally set out for. “What has this to do with blogging tips for small business owners?” I hear you ask… When I started the Ultimate Blog […]
Blog Brainstorming with Free Keyword Suggestion Tools
You’re probably familiar with Google’s keyword suggestion feature. You start typing in search and up to 10 phrases are suggested for you. This apparently saves time as Google “thinks” for you. The keyword suggestion tool also comes in very handy for brainstorming new blog ideas. You know you want to get your keywords in your […]
Ultimate Blog Challenge, Give Your Blog A Boost!
It’s that time again! I was in two minds about joining in on the October Ultimate Blog Challenge. It’s been a difficult few weeks and I know that once again I will struggle to get a post a day out. Between giving up smoking (the computer is a trigger, so I’ve been avoiding the keyboard!), […]
5 Irritating Social Media Practices – Don’t Be A Social Outcast!
Social media, it’s a minefield isn’t it. When you first start out using social media for business it can be a bit overwhelming, people give all sorts of conflicting advice too. Don’t worry about it! There are no rules… No rules, but there are some really irritating social media practices that people fall into without […]
Blogging for Local Business – Dare to Be Different?
There is a problem with blogging for local business… …and it’s twofold. First, local business owners aren’t bloggers, they often feel uncomfortable with the process and look to local business marketers for direction and advice. Secondly, these local business marketers may have done the latest internet marketing course, learnt all about search engine optimisation and […]