Ok Semalt, you have officially annoyed me and I’ve put you into my “bottom feeding scum, don’t touch with someone elses barge pole” file. Why? Today, once again, I used MY time to explain to a client that you (and your buddy Kambasoft) are NOT real visitors and are essentially worthless spam visits to their […]
Google Analytics – How To Add A Website To An Existing Account [Video]
I had this question last week… Jan, how do I add my new website to my existing Google Analytics account? If one person has a question, others will be wondering the same. In this short video, I show you how to add a new site to an existing Google Analytics account. The transcript is below […]
Keyword Not Provided: I Won’t Know You’re Searching For Jan’s Urine…
Google recently switched to all secure searches, which means we will no longer know what words people are typing into Google to find our websites or blogs. For a while now, My Local Business Online’s (not provided) keyword data has been creeping up and was well into the 60% of searches. Yes, it’s a pain. […]
Why I Removed My Cookie Opt In Box
The UK Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations finally came into force on 26th May to much confusion (not to mention snarling and gnashing of teeth). Known as the Cookie Law, it actually applies to all tracking online. Controlling tracking sounds like a great idea doesn’t it. Protect our privacy and all that. But, cookies aren’t […]
A Week In Google – Round Up 24th March
Wow the week has flown by! Since I am at my Accelerated Learning Coaching course tomorrow, here’s this weeks Google round up done the night before. Google Places – Why You Must Hide Your Business Address Not long after posting how to hide your business address in Google Places, it appears that Google have snuck […]
Tracking Offline Marketing Campaigns Using Google Analytics
Why Track Your Traditional Advertising and Marketing Campaigns? Way back when I first started work as a Lab Junior at the tender age of 16, the Waste Manager brought in an oddball sample to be tested. It was odd because the lab I worked in tested samples from set stages throughout a process – waste […]