It’s no secret that Google tweak their algorithms on a daily basis. Some algorithm changes are minor tweaks most people would never notice, others are huge humdingers that set the search world on fire. There have been 2 recent algorithm changes that have done just that. Exact Match Domain These are domains rank for the […]
A Week in Google – 29th April 2012
Catching my eye this week in Google… 2 Major Updates – Penguin and Panda Well, I couldn’t fail to miss these with the amount of posts around the web. Google announced they would be targeting web spam. This update was later given the name Penguin. While everyone was summing up changes and who was worst […]
7 Simple Steps to Local Google Rankings – No Penguins Required
OMG Google Broke The Interwebz! Two significant search updates within a week? Low blow Google… Google rankings are having a bit of a shuffle to the encore of wails from frustrated webmasters and repeated threats to move to Bing. Oh, if only it was that easy! Here in the UK, Bing is the equivalent of […]
Your Local Business Online and the Google Panda Update
What has Google Panda got to do with me? Google finally rolled out the Panda algorithm change globally to all English speaking Countries last week. As the week has gone by there have been varying reports and speculation about the websites that have been mauled and the websites came out the other end smelling of […]