I’ll be honest, I’m not a fan of Ricky Gervais – far from it. He makes me grit my teeth while I suppress the urge to wallop him!
However, flying through my feed last week was a post over on Hubspot with a video from Fast Company‘s creation series. Thankfully, the post was called “A 3-Minute Investment That’ll Make You a Better Content Creator” and didn’t mention Ricky Gervais at all or I wouldn’t have opened it!
Since I was reading the post, I gritted my teeth and watched Ricky share his story about how he learned to write. I thought I would share the video here too.
What has Ricky’s writing to do with online marketing?
The thing that struck me was the parallels between small businesses online and Ricky’s school essays. I think many of us have done the whole melodramatic hype thing or spent hours (days/weeks) researching and writing about something we have no interest in – I know I have!
“Write about what you know”
Very simple advice that applies to any content online, from your website and blog posts through to video creation. When you write about what you know (and hopefully are passionate about it’s your business after all!) the whole tone of the piece changes.
And that’s when you start making a connection.
Online marketing thrives on words – whether its ads through to social media to your blog. Sharing your passion and excitement about your business touches real people in a way that no hype or drama can.
What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts, leave a comment below 🙂
What Can Ricky Gervais Teach You About Online Marketing? by Jan KearneyGrab your guide to local search and learn:
- What elements are important on your website
- How to set up your Google My Business Local Page
- How Google Plus can help you zoom past your competitors
- Two things you should not neglect if you want to rank in the local search pack
- How to power past your competitors and dominate your area
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Galina St George says
Hi Jan,
I think this is one of the simplest lessons I’ve had in my life, but what Ricky Gervais has said has touched me on more than one level. He is talking about writing what we know about, and I totally agree with this. I also think that what you’ve said about passion helps too. But the other thing he mentions is being honest. I think that it applies to more than writing.
There is a lot of pretense – not just in the world of business and marketing. People pretend to be what they are not, and this pretense is kind of a lie, a denial of own worth which creates all sorts of imbalances in our lives and relationships with others.
I believe that good writing comes from being totally honest with ourselves, and speaking from the heart – just what Ricky says in this video. Because when we don’t, we get found out eventually, but most of all, we lose respect for ourselves, and the muse that inspires us. Quite a light-bulb moment, thank you!
Jan Kearney says
Hi Galina – I know exactly where you’re coming from. I’m not a Ricky Gervais fan and the video touched me too. Is saying “keep it real” too corny?
Steve says
Hi Jan,
Great article and a great video by Ricky. Thanks for sharing.
Jan Kearney says
Hey Steve – lovely to see you. Glad you liked the video 🙂
Tamala says
I truly believe in writing about what you know. It makes life so much easier and your work effortlessly begins to feel less like a chore. I love this advice and think any serious blogger will leverage this approach… one way or another. 🙂
Jan Kearney says
Hi Tamala – yes it does make life easier! Thanks for popping in 🙂
Bonnie Gean says
I’ve always droned on about “writing what you know,” but so many bloggers fail to accept the simplicity of the message. They’re always trying to be something they’re not – and then wonder why they can’t create that “connection” that others seem to get so easily!
All the friends you made in high school were a result of being YOU. Why would you do anything different with your business? 🙂
Jan Kearney says
I didn’t do high-school friends Bonnie lol
I agree with you though, write what you know and write how you speak – 2 rules to live by online 🙂
Kelly Mooney says
Glad to see youre not just walloping me 🙂 leave Ricky alone …..
Great post as always Jan you write what you know and make it understandable for me (which can be challenging) and on that note I’m going to write about what I know …. xxx
Jan Kearney says
I make you understand in the end Kelly! 🙂 Great to see you over here on the blog too 🙂
Tamsin says
Short videos are good – although I’m sure he could have made it shorter 🙂 Good advice once he got into the story – and yes, being open and honest about what you love, and you can’t go wrong!
Karly - Mint Online Marketing says
Well said Jan! People tend to overlook the importance of the message. There’s no use in spending money on an expensive advertising campaign if you can’t write a message that your audience can relate to. The words are just as important as the design!