I’ll be honest, I’m not a fan of Ricky Gervais – far from it. He makes me grit my teeth while I suppress the urge to wallop him! However, flying through my feed last week was a post over on Hubspot with a video from Fast Company‘s creation series. Thankfully, the post was called “A […]
Share Content And Create Buzz – A Really Simple Way To Get More Re-Tweets, Likes and +1’s
When you publish a blog post, article, video or anything else online, it’s pretty standard practice to share content you create on your social sites. As the search engines get more advanced, social mentions are becoming more important for ranking too. It’s not enough that your content is shared by just you. One of the […]
Top 5 Community Building Activities to Grow Your Audience
I’m really pleased to have the lovely and very knowledgeable Bonnie Gean write todays post. Everything you do online revolves around communicating with people who are interested in your products or services. Then you are top of mind and there with the product or service they need when they are ready to buy. How do […]
What Customer Needs Are You Addressing?
Yesterday, I had a lovely coffee and brainstorm with a local business owner. We sat chatted about the joys of getting found online, online advertising, social media, email and more. We touched briefly on pricing and markets – and dogs too… But, the crux of the matter was, while she was trying hard to be […]
10 Quick Online Marketing Tips You Can Do In Your Lunch Hour
Many local business owners I speak to assume that online marketing is a one-off task. You build a website, or claim your Google+ Local page and that’s it, your job is done. In reality, like everything online, a consistent effort is needed. While you may not have the time to devote hours every day to […]
Three Simple Questions You Need Answer On Your Website
It’s almost 6am and the sun is rising. I haven’t yet gone to bed. Not because I am not tired, but There’s a bloody huge spider stalking me, and I don’t do spiders I’ve had a horrible case of writers block all week and in the end threw up something, which is better than nothing […]
Learn Basic SEO in 10 Minutes (Video)
I love that Google have started to produce videos over in their Webmaster Academy. This particular one is basic SEO in 10 minutes. Don’t be fooled by the “for startups” line, these SEO tips apply to all business websites. Basic SEO in 10 Minutes Basic SEO Takeaways 301 redirect (permanent redirect) www or non-www to […]