Creating your own local business website is never an easy task, especially when the guidelines change regularly. As always online, the only thing you can guarantee is change! In November, Google made an unprecedented move and published the Search Quality Rater Guidelines. Previously, we’d relied on an official 2013 condensed version or leaked copies of […]
Quality Rater Guide Leaked: What Businesses Need To Know
Creating a local business website that Google and your users love is not always a straight-forward task, especially if you are building your own! Even gorgeously designed websites can overlook the basics. Your website is just the start of the plethora of signals that Google looks at when deciding if your local website is worthy […]
What You Can Learn From Google’s Interflora Ranking Massacre
The tail end of last week, anyone who reads about search would have spotted the Interflora ranking massacre unfold. It tweaked my interest, not only because Interflora are a huge national brand, but because they also dominate in many local searches too. Chatting with various people over the weekend, it was clear that many small […]
Your Local Website – Is It Time To Sack Your Web Designer?
I was asked recently if I could “do anything” with a local website for a business that served multiple locations. Well I can do all sorts! Tying down what “anything” actually meant was the interesting part. This local website had several pages, each page dedicated to a specific town or city in the area. That […]